How to Order Apps By App Name in Groups in AppXtender Admin

How to Order Apps By App Name in Groups in AppXtender Admin

1)      Make the following changes to the profile files below by adding the highlighted text. Note, make a backup of these files first.

Inetpub/wwwroot/AppXtenderAdmin/App/Components/Groups/View/profietab.html on or around line 13

<option ng-repeat="app in appList.entries | orderBy:'name'" value="{{app.appid}}" ng-selected="app.appid==uiBinding.currentAppId">{{}}</option>

Inetpub/wwwroot/AppXtenderAdmin/App/Components/Users/profietab.html on or around line 13

<option ng-repeat="app in appList.entries | orderBy:'name'" value="{{app.appid}}" ng-selected="app.appid==uiBinding.currentAppId">{{}}</option>

2)     Perform and IIS Reset and clear your browser cache and re-try.



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